Transform Rockford visioning session encourages Rosecrance Ware Center clients to dream big

tr_websiteRosecrance Ware Center hosted a Transform Rockford community visioning session in the Recovery Resource Center March 24, 2014. Twenty people from the community attended the session to voice their concerns about the wellbeing of those who live with a mental illness. Transform Rockford volunteers Linda Zuba, Chad Carty, and Patrick O’Keefe led the brainstorming session, asking attendees to break into groups to discuss their vision for the future of Rockford. These groups contributed their ideas to create five main goals:


  1. Create a safe place for the mentally ill
  2. Educate the community about mental illness to reduce stigma
  3. Create a support system of people who understand/have compassion to help the mentally ill to get jobs and get housing
  4. Create a safe place free of gangs and drugs
  5. Repair the streets and sidewalks for improved safety

Transform Rockford will continue to have visioning sessions until the end of March. Visit for a list of future sessions.